Continuous External Attack Surface Management

DarkInsight is a powerful platform for real-time testing and monitoring of your external attack surface, ensuring attack vectors are continuously discovered, prioritised, and mitigated before they lead to breaches.
DarkInsight Dashboard
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Unlock continuous, real-time security monitoring with DarkInsight. Sign up for your free account today and start protecting your external attack surface from potential threats.

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Easily Identify Your Public-Facing Assets

Gain full visibility of your external attack surface by identifying every public-facing asset through comprehensive automated scanning. Discovery ensures nothing is overlooked, laying the foundation for a secure digital environment.

Asset Discovery

Complete Asset Discovery
Visualise Your Attack Surface
Identify Shadow IT
Geographical Asset Mapping

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Continuous Vigilance of Your Digital Assets

Stay vigilant by continuously monitoring your digital assets for changes and potential vulnerabilities. Monitoring ensures that any new risks are detected and addressed promptly.

Asset Monitoring

Continuous Change Detection
Risk Prioritisation
Historical Change Tracking
Alerts and Notifications

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Book a Demo

Discover the impact of real-time, continuous security monitoring with DarkInsight. Book a demo today and learn how to take full control of your external attack surface.

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Identify and Prioritise Critical Vulnerabilities

The Assessment stage in DarkInsight scans both infrastructure and web applications to identify critical vulnerabilities. By simulating real-world attacks, it helps your team prioritise and address the most pressing risks. With continuous monitoring and actionable insights, your environment stays secure against evolving threats.

Vulnerability Scanning

Dual Vulnerability Scanning
AII Deduplication and Auto-Resolution
Managed Scanning
Detailed Vulnerability Reporting

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AI-Powered Insights for Proactive Security

The Intelligence stage of DarkInsight offers deep threat visibility by analysing OSINT from the surface and dark web. This AI-driven tool identifies exploitable vulnerabilities, including risks to high-risk employees. With VIP monitoring, DarkInsight protects your most sensitive assets and personnel from emerging threats.

Dark Web Monitoring

Proprietary Crawler with Integrated Sources
AI-Powered Stealer Log Analysis
AI-Powered Content Analysis

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Leaked Credentials

Proprietary Darchive Database
AI-Powered Deduplication
Leaked Credential Alerts

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OSINT Monitoring

Flexible Incident Management
Detailed Record Information
Automated Intelligence Gathering

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DNS Monitoring

Proactive Domain Surveillance
Available Domain Detection
Actionable Insights for External Blacklisting

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Brand Monitoring

Advanced Reverse Image Search
Refined Results with Additional Algorithms
CSV Export

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VIP Monitoring

Dedicated VIP Profiles
Guarded Profile
Human-Led Intelligence Gathering

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Free Dark Web Scan

Submit your domain to DarkInsight and uncover any exposed data on the Dark Web. Stay ahead of threats by discovering vulnerabilities before attackers do—completely free.

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Proactive Remediation to Neutralise Threats

The Mitigation stage in DarkInsight enables swift, decisive action to address risks identified during discovery and assessment. Beyond identifying vulnerabilities, it provides detailed remediation steps, tracks progress, and ensures effective mitigation. With an intuitive record status driven interface, your team can systematically reduce the attack surface and enhance security.

Website Takedowns

End-to-End Takedown Management
Evidence Collection and Documentation
Communication with Registrars
Proactive Monitoring and Response

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Clear and Comprehensive Security Communication

The Reporting stage in DarkInsight lets you create reports that summarise your security posture and track changes. With Management Summaries, "What's Changed" reports, and VIP Profiles, your team gains valuable insights into your public-facing assets. Reports can be generated on-demand or scheduled for automatic email delivery, offering flexibility in monitoring security progress.

Management Reports

Management Reports for Summaries
‘What’s Changed’ Reports
VIP Profile Reports for Focused Security

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Third-Party Integrations

Real-Time Alerts for Various Platforms
Email Notifications for Added Coverage
Support for Slack, Jira, servicenow and more

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