How Threat Actors Choose Their Victims

This blog breaks down how Threat Actors choose their victims and all the tactics they use. This blog provides a helpful insight of how to spot these methods and avoid them.


In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, understanding the methods employed by threat actors is crucial for individuals and organisations alike. Threat actors, ranging from hackers to cybercriminal organisations, meticulously select their victims using a variety of tactics. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of how these adversaries identify and target their victims.

Target Identification

When selecting victims, threat actors employ myriad tactics to identify targets with potential vulnerabilities. Scouring the web for open source intelligence (OSINT) such as IP addresses, usernames, and other identifying information is a common tactic used by malicious actors. Additionally, attackers may use automated scanning tools to quickly uncover weaknesses in networks and systems. Threat actors may even send phishing emails or exploit popular social media networks to discover potential targets.

Once adversaries have identified potential victims, they will use a variety of techniques to collect additional information about their target in order to gain access and cause disruption. This can include gathering system data such as open ports, software versions, and user credentials. Attackers may also attempt to identify unpatched vulnerabilities in the target’s network.

Vulnerability Assessment

Threat actors often exploit vulnerabilities in software, networks, or systems. They conduct thorough assessments to identify weaknesses that can be exploited for unauthorised access. Vulnerability scanning tools help them pinpoint potential entry points, allowing them to tailor their attacks to specific weaknesses.

Social Engineering

One of the most effective tactics employed by threat actors is social engineering. This technique involves manipulating individuals into divulging confidential information or performing actions that compromise security. Phishing emails, fake websites, and fraudulent messages are common tools in the social engineer's arsenal, enabling them to exploit human vulnerabilities rather than technical ones.

Industry and Sector Targeting

Some threat actors choose their victims based on the industry or sector they operate in. Certain industries may be more lucrative targets due to the sensitive nature of their data or the potential for financial gain. For instance, healthcare organisations are often targeted for valuable patient data, while financial institutions are prime targets for monetary theft.

Size and Visibility

The size and visibility of an organisation can also influence the selection process. Large enterprises with extensive networks and valuable assets are attractive targets, as the potential impact of a successful attack is substantial. Additionally, high-profile organisations may be targeted for the attention and notoriety that comes with successfully breaching their security.


Supply Chain Attacks

Threat actors recognise that targeting a single organization may not always yield the desired results. Instead, they exploit interconnected supply chains to compromise multiple entities. By compromising a supplier or partner with weaker security measures, threat actors can gain access to the primary target through indirect means.

Geographical Considerations

Geography plays a role in victim selection as well. Threat actors may choose victims based on geopolitical factors, such as political tensions or economic motivations. Certain regions may be targeted for strategic reasons, and threat actors often tailor their attacks to exploit regional vulnerabilities or bypass specific security measures.

Exploiting Employee Weaknesses

Employees can unknowingly become the weak link in an organisation's security chain. Threat actors may exploit human errors, lack of cybersecurity awareness, or negligence to gain unauthorized access. This could involve tricking employees into downloading malicious software, revealing sensitive information, or unintentionally providing access credentials.

Malware Deployment

Another common tactic employed by threat actors is the use of malicious software or malware. This type of attack involves sending malicious code via email, websites, applications, or other digital mediums. Once installed on a system, malware can be used to gain control of the victim’s computer, steal data, and gain access to networks and systems.

Data Mining and Exploitation

Threat actors often leverage data mining techniques to find valuable information about their targets, such as potential vulnerabilities or weak points. By uncovering this sensitive data, they can tailor their attacks to exploit specific weaknesses. Additionally, threat actors may use zero-day exploits, which are unknown software or system vulnerabilities that have yet to be identified and patched. By exploiting these vulnerabilities, they can gain unauthorised access to systems or networks.

Employee Manipulation

Threat actors may take advantage of unsuspecting employees to gain unauthorised access. This can be done through social engineering tactics, such as impersonation or phishing campaigns. By leveraging employees’ lack of cybersecurity awareness, threat actors can trick them into providing sensitive data or clicking malicious links. Additionally, threat actors can use a variety of tools, such as keyloggers , to gain access to systems and networks.


Understanding how threat actors choose their victims is essential for developing effective cybersecurity strategies. Organisations and individuals must remain vigilant, continuously update their security measures, and invest in cybersecurity awareness training to mitigate the risks posed by these evolving and sophisticated threats. Collectively, we can build a more resilient digital environment by staying informed and proactive.

Let DarkInvader analyse your attack surface for vulnerable and at-risk areas, employees and systems. Stay ahead of potential attackers by highlighting and remediating these risks before they're exploited.


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