The Ultimate Guide to OSINT and Google Dorking

If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to OSINT and Google dorking, you've come to the right place. In this blog post, we'll discuss what OSINT is and how to use Google dorks to find sensitive information online. Stay tuned, because by the end of this post, you'll be a master at using OSINT techniques.

If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to OSINT and Google dorking, you've come to the right place. In this blog post, we'll discuss what OSINT is and how to use Google dorks to find sensitive information online. Stay tuned, because by the end of this post, you'll be a master at using OSINT techniques.

What is Google Dorking?

Google dorking is a hacking technique that makes use of Google's advanced search services to locate valuable data or hard-to-find content. Google dorking is also known as "Google hacking."

Researchers have found that they could take advantage of the wider extra options to find things via Google that you don't expect, which narrows it down to very specific things. For example, finding vulnerabilities in systems. Google is an incredibly powerful search engine, more powerful than a lot of other companies such as Apple.

What Are Some Examples of This?

One example is LinkedIn, LinkedIn is very difficult to scrape, compared to a lot other websites out there and the site does this on purpose as they don't want people to be able to find peoples names and sensitive details. Google is searching and indexing all of the time. Another example is documents, stripping metadata from documents, these often contain usernames hidden in the documents, the first step is actually getting hold of those documents. With google you can crack this by extracting metadata through the google tools which leads to finding very sensitive information. This also collides with social media, being able to cross reference people on social media sites to google maps to actually find where people live. This can happen in such a short amount of time, 40 to 50 minutes from finding your name all the way to your residential address.

How Serious is Finding Someones Residential Address?

This is an interesting debate, and some may think it's not a huge concern as many people may know where they live, but they often don't think about how many times they have given the first line of their address over the phone to companies and businesses. Worst case scenarios include being swatted, little bits of these personal bits of information can be damaging in the wrong hands. People need to be aware of this and be able to remove it if possible.

Unfortunately with a lot of OSINT, you cant just switch it off, you need to understand what's out there and the risk it poses from addresses to usernames, once its out there, its hard to get it back.

Advanced Search Operators

Advanced search operators are powerful tools that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of online searches. These operators enable users to refine search queries, filter results, and locate specific information quickly.

One commonly used operator is quotation marks (""). By enclosing a phrase within quotation marks, the search engine will only display results that include the exact words in the specified order. For example, searching "best laptop" will exclusively show results with the phrase "best laptop," eliminating irrelevant information.

Narrowing Your Search

In OSINT investigations, narrowing the search is essential for efficiently finding the information needed. By effectively narrowing down the search parameters, investigators can save time and resources, and obtain more accurate and relevant results.

One strategy for achieving this is by utilising dorking techniques. Dorking involves using specialised search operators to refine search queries. These operators help specify the type of information sought, such as filetypes, domain-specific searches, or even specific website sections. This technique helps exclude irrelevant search results and focus on the desired information.

Keeping Your Search Anonymous

When it comes to keeping your search anonymous, private browsing and using VPNs may not be enough. These methods have limitations that can compromise your privacy and may not fully protect your online activities. That's why it's crucial to consider using a managed attribution platform like Silo for Research.

Private browsing, also known as incognito mode, only prevents your search history from being saved on your device. However, it doesn't hide your IP address, location, or other identifying information from the websites you visit. Similarly, using a VPN can help mask your IP address and encrypt your connection, but it doesn't provide complete anonymity. VPN providers can still access your browsing data, and your online activities can potentially be traced back to you.

To achieve a higher level of anonymity, researchers can manipulate their digital fingerprint using managed attribution platforms like Silo for Research. These platforms allow you to adjust various characteristics, such as location, language, device, and operating systems. By doing so, you can explore search results that were previously unavailable to you, enabling more comprehensive research.

What Information Can be Found Through Dorks?

Dorks, also known as Google dorks or Google hacking, are specific search queries that help users find valuable and often sensitive information on the internet. These specially crafted search strings offer a powerful tool for hackers, cybersecurity professionals, and researchers to uncover hidden data, vulnerabilities, and potential breaches. By leveraging advanced search operators and techniques, dorks allow users to narrow down their search results, revealing intricate details that traditional search queries can overlook. In this article, we will explore what types of information can be found through dorks and understand their significance in various domains, including cybersecurity, reconnaissance, and data mining.

The Most Popular Google Dorks

Google Dorks are powerful search queries that leverage Google's advanced search operators to reveal sensitive information and vulnerabilities on the internet. These queries are extensively utilized in the fields of hacking, vulnerability identification, gathering intelligence, and OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) investigations.

One popular use of Google Dorks is to discover vulnerabilities in websites. By using specific search queries, hackers can identify websites with weak points or misconfigurations that can be exploited. This facilitates unauthorized access, data breaches, or injecting malicious code into the target system.

Another common application is the identification of exposed devices. Google Dorks can uncover internet-connected devices with insecure settings or default credentials, such as webcams, routers, or IoT devices. This information can be exploited for unauthorised access or even surveillance.

Moreover, Google Dorks can be employed to gather information about organisations. By searching for specific file types or directories, hackers can locate sensitive information, such as financial reports, databases, or login credentials, that might be stored on publicly accessible servers.

Best Google Dorks List

Google Dorks are powerful search queries that can uncover a wealth of information on the internet. Below are some of the best Google Dorks that hackers, cybersecurity professionals, and researchers commonly use:

1. Filetype Dorks: By using specific file types in your search query (e.g., filetype:pdf), you can find documents, reports, or other files that may contain sensitive information.

2. Site Dorks: This search query restricts results to a specific website domain, allowing users to explore all content associated with that site. For example,

3. Intitle Dorks: By using the intitle operator in your search query, you can find web pages with specific keywords in their title. This can help uncover information related to a particular subject or organisation.

4. Link Dorks: This search query helps identify websites that link to a specific URL, providing insights into the site's backlink profile and potential vulnerabilities.

5. Password Dorks: By using specific keywords related to password files or databases, users can find insecure login credentials that have been leaked or exposed online.

6. Vulnerability Dorks: These search queries target websites or web applications with known vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting. By using vulnerability dorks, hackers can identify potential entry points for unauthorised access or data manipulation.

7. Directory Listing Dorks: These search queries target websites that have directory listings enabled, allowing users to view the files and folders stored on the server. This can reveal sensitive information that was not meant to be public.

How Can We Make People More Aware?

First of all, you can try and make people aware that's its now publicly available information. And that shouldn't be used as a factor of authentication. Implementing things such as multi-factor authentication on publicly available login portals or cloud environments that again, would help to mitigate against the risk of having this information out of that process.


To conclude, this blog, alongside the podcast, is the ultimate guide to OSINT and Google Hacking (or google dorking) with the goal in mind to protect you from having sensitive information leaked online. This blog highlights the key solutions to avoid your sensitive information being online and the precautions you can take going forward.

To view our Podcast version of this blog go here: *

Here at DarkInvader we provide a thorough Threat Intelligence service that combines automated tools with human research and OSINT, to learn how we can help your business get in touch.


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